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引用本文:张志刚,孔大庆,宫光明,种小雷,吴永根,李庆,孟飙. 高应变率下混凝土动态力学性能SHPB实验[J]. 解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2007, 8(6): 611-618
作者姓名:张志刚  孔大庆  宫光明  种小雷  吴永根  李庆  孟飙
摘    要:利用φ100 mm霍普金森压杆试验设备,研究了混凝土材料在冲击荷载下的动态压缩性能,分析验证了实验结果的有效性、一致性和试样中的应力均匀性问题,得到了混凝土材料在较高应变率范围内的动态应力-应变关系.研究表明,混凝土材料的动态应力-应变呈非线性关系;混凝土材料为应变率敏感性材料,在较高应变率范围内混凝土材料的动态应力-应变关系是与应变率相关的;混凝土材料的破坏应力和破坏应变随应变率的增大而增大.

关 键 词:固体力学  混凝土  霍普金森压杆  冲击荷载  高应变率  动态力学特性

Dynamic mechanical behavior of concrete under high strain rate using SHPB
ZHANG Zhi-gang,KONG Da-qing,GONG Guang-ming,CHONG Xiaolei,WU Yong-gen,LI Qing and MENG Biao. Dynamic mechanical behavior of concrete under high strain rate using SHPB[J]. Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2007, 8(6): 611-618
Authors:ZHANG Zhi-gang  KONG Da-qing  GONG Guang-ming  CHONG Xiaolei  WU Yong-gen  LI Qing  MENG Biao
Abstract:The Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar ( SHPB) of Á 100 mm was used to invest igate the dynamicmechanical behavior of the concrete under impact loading. The validity , consistency and unifo rmity of thest ress in the specimen had been v erif ied, and the dy namic st ress-st rain relat ionship of the concr ete w as presentedw ithin the scope of hig h st rain r ate. T he r esul ts show that the dynamic st ress-str ain relat ionship ofthe concr ete is nonlinear, that w ithin the scope of high st rain rate, the dynamic st ress-st rain relat ionshipof the concrete is st rain rate-dependent , which means that the concrete is str ain rate sensit ive, and that thefailure str ess, failure st rain and the init ial modulus of elast icity increase w ith the str ain rateøs increasing .
Keywords:solid mechanics   concrete   SHPB   impact loading   high strain rate   dynamic mechanical be-havior
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