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引用本文:邹永福,;田检,;黄晓航. 因子分析和聚类分析在长江水污染综合评价中的应用[J]. 科技信息, 2009, 0(19): 336-337
作者姓名:邹永福,  田检,  黄晓航
作者单位:[1]河池学院数学系,广西宜州546300; [2]广州大学华软学院基础部,广东广州510990
摘    要:本文运用多元统计分析方法中的因子分析和聚类分析实现对水污染问题的综合评价,并对长江沿线17个观测站的水质检测数据进行了处理.得到了长江沿线17个观测站的水质的综合聚类评价。

关 键 词:聚类分析  相关分析  因子分析  长江水污染综合评价

Application of Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis to Water Quality Comprehensive Evaluation on Yangtze River
Affiliation:ZOU Yong-fu TIAN Jian HUANG Xiao-hang (LDepartment of Mathematics, He Chi College, Yizhou Gnangxi 546300, China ; 2.South China Institute of Software Engineering, Gnangzhou University,Guangzhou Guangdong, 510990, China )
Abstract:In this paper, by use multivariate statistical analysis method of factor analysis and cluster analysis to achieve a comprehensive evaluation of water pollution, And the Yangtze River 17 observation stations along the water quality testing data were processed, at last we get the classify of the Yangtze River's 17 stations.
Keywords:Cluster analysis  Factor Analysis  Correlation analysis  Yangtze River water quality comprehensive evaluation
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