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引用本文:欧阳凤,陈晓萍,石灵,陈晓虹. 河南白云山国家森林公园两栖动物资源与保护[J]. 河南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 0(5): 131-134
作者姓名:欧阳凤  陈晓萍  石灵  陈晓虹
摘    要:2004年7月至2008年10月,采用样线法和踏查法对河南白云山国家森林公园两栖动物进行考察,结果显示:该公园有两栖动物9种,隶属于1目4科8属.其中蛙科为优势科,中国林蛙和太行隆肛蛙为优势种.宁陕齿突蟾为稀有、濒危物种,在该公园发现的宁陕齿突蟾有14个,种群数量占已知总数的73.68%.公园两栖动物区系组成以广布种为主,有4种,东洋界和古北界种分别为3种和2种,体现出明显的过渡性;分布型则以季风型占优势,有5种.两栖动物生态类型多样,陆栖-静水型占优势,有4种,静水型和陆栖-流水型各2种,流水型1种.分布于伏牛山区的秦巴拟小鲵和花臭蛙在调查期间未发现.鉴于栖息地退化和丧失、污染、滥捕等对两栖动物资源退化造成的影响,建议设立以两栖动物为保护对象的自然保护区,加强两栖动物的科学研究、科普教育和宣传,有效保护和合理利用两栖动物资源.

关 键 词:白云山国家森林公园  河南  两栖动物  资源保护

Protections and Resouces of Amphibians in Baiyun Mountain National Forest Park,Henan Province
OUYANG Feng;CHEN Xiaoping;SHI Ling;CHEN Xiaohong. Protections and Resouces of Amphibians in Baiyun Mountain National Forest Park,Henan Province[J]. Journal of Henan Normal University(Natural Science), 2014, 0(5): 131-134
Authors:OUYANG Feng  CHEN Xiaoping  SHI Ling  CHEN Xiaohong
Affiliation:OUYANG Feng;CHEN Xiaoping;SHI Ling;CHEN Xiaohong;College of Life Sciences,Henan Normal University;Department of Materials Engineering,Henan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College;Jiaozuo Teachers College;
Abstract:Investigation of amphibians in Baiyun Mountain National Forest Park,Henan province,were carried out from July 2004 to October 2008.There are 9specie of amphibians,belonging to 8genera,4families and 1order.Ranidae is dominant family,Rana chensinensis and Feirana taihangnicus is dominant species.Scutiger ningshanensis is rare and endangenred species,14 specimens in the Park occupies a known amount of 73.68%.The faunal component,mainly 4cosmopolitan species,3Oriental realm species and 2Paratactic realm species,indicate typical transition.Distributed in Funiu Mountain Pseudohynobius tsinpaensis and Odorrana schmackeri were not found in the survey period.The ecological categories of amphibians are mainly terrestrial &quiet-water type,which account for 4species,while quiet-water type,running-water type and terrestrial running-water type account for 2and 1species.In recent years,amphibians resources are led to be under serious threat due to habitat degradation,pollution,over fishing and other effects,so this article gives several recommendations on amphibians resource protecting.
Keywords:Baiyun Mountain National Forest Park  Henan province  amphibian  conservation of resource
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