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引用本文:吕昌旭,汪秉彝. 浅析数学情境的创设[J]. 贵州师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2002, 20(1): 78-81,117
作者姓名:吕昌旭  汪秉彝
摘    要:提出数学问题———数学创新的起点和基础 ,数学问题产生于一定的数学情境。因此 ,要培养学生的数学问题意识 ,精心创设数学情境非常重要。而数学情境可以说无时不有 ,无处不在。其主要来源有 :贴近日常生活生产的资料 ;从已有数学知识中提供产生数学问题的资料 ;其他相关学科中的资料

关 键 词:数学情境  教学问题

Establishment of mathematics situations
LU Chang-xu,WANG Bing-yi. Establishment of mathematics situations[J]. Journal of Guizhou Normal University(Natural Sciences), 2002, 20(1): 78-81,117
Authors:LU Chang-xu  WANG Bing-yi
Abstract:Posing mathematics problem-the departure point and foundation of initiative in the mathematics.The mathematics problem originates from certain mathematics situations.Therefore, careful establishment of mathematics situations is of great importance to educate students' awareness for mathematics problem, Mathematics situations can be existed every time and everywhere.The main sources are materials from daily life and production,materials from learned mathematics knowledge,and materials from other related subjects.
Keywords:mathematics situation  mathematics problem  
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