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引用本文:盛夏,孙龙祥,郑庆梅. 模拟退火优化BP神经网络进行云相态分类[J]. 解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2008, 9(1): 98-102
作者姓名:盛夏  孙龙祥  郑庆梅
摘    要:为利用中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)多通道云图数据对云相态进行分类,提出了一种利用云图红外、可见光谱段数据,基于SABP神经网络的云相态分类算法.算法基于BP人工神经网络学习算法及模拟退火算法.在两算法结合的基础上,作出了有益于云相态分类的改进.基准网络模型为3层前馈BP网络,其中,隐层和输出层使用不同的激活函数.选取了5种光谱特征作为网络输入,输出两单元判定结果.为加速收敛速度,避免振荡,采用了一种自适应的变学习系数、惯性系数策略.个例分析表明,算法在中低纬度地区效果良好.

关 键 词:人工神经网络  中分辨率成像光谱仪  云相态分类  模拟退火算法  向后传播网络

Smi ulated annea ling optmi ized BP-ANNmethod for c loudthermodynam ic phase retr ieva l
SHENG Xi,SUN Long-xiang and ZHENG Qing-mei. Smi ulated annea ling optmi ized BP-ANNmethod for c loudthermodynam ic phase retr ieva l[J]. Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2008, 9(1): 98-102
Authors:SHENG Xi  SUN Long-xiang  ZHENG Qing-mei
Affiliation:The 5th Research Institute of the Second Artillery Force,Beijing 100085,China;Institute of Meteorology,PLA Univ.of Sci.& Tech.,Nanjing 211101,China;No.61135 of PLA,Beijing 102211,China
Abstract:In o rder to re trieve c loud therm ody nam ic pha se usingM OD IS im age s, an ANN -ba sedm e thod utilizing M OD IS v isib le and in frared band s data and m ult i-spect ra l fea tu res w a s pu t fo rw ard. T h is m ethodcom b ines the re la tive ly m ature BP art ificia l neu ra l ne tw o rk study a lg o rithm and sim u1a ted annea ling a lgorithm.S pecia l am endm ent s w e re m ade fo r be tte r cloud therm ody nam ic pha se re tr iev al perfo rm ance. At rip le-lay er feed fo rw a rd BP-ANN base m ode lw h ich u sed div erse act iva t io n funct io ns w as se lected. F ivespec tral fea tures w e re selected as inpu t o f the ne tw o rkm ode l . the netw o rk ou tpu t laye r ha s tw o un its fo rspeeding up and avo id ing v ibra tion e rro rs. A se lf-adap ted va ria t io nal study coe ff icient and iner tia coef f icient st ra teg y w as adopted. C ase show presen ted the e ff iciency o f the m e thod in m id o r low lat itude regio ns.
Keywords:A NN ( art if icia l neu ra l ne tw o rk )   M OD IS (mo de ra te reso lu t io n im ag ing spect ro rad iom e ter)  cloud the rm o dynam ic ph ase re trieva l   simu lated annealing a lg o rithm   back propag a tion ne tw o rk
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