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引用本文:何建民,吴锐侠,杨善林. OSN下的客户领袖声音在线识别方法[J]. 系统管理学报, 2009, 18(6)
作者姓名:何建民  吴锐侠  杨善林
作者单位:1. 合肥工业大学,管理学院,合肥,230009
2. 合肥工业大学,管理学院,合肥,230009;过程优化与智能决策教育部重点实验室,合肥,230009
摘    要:在线社会性网络(OSN)下的客户领袖声音容易形成电子口碑或舆论,直接影响企业营销决策规划与实施.旨在发现OSN下的客户领袖声音,引导其成为正向效用的电子口碑或电子舆论,以支持企业营销决策.通过在线检测客户日志数据,将各个代理软件所侦听到的表征客户声音的多重属性数据进行融合,完整、准确地表述客户声音;再采用基于距离的多指标离散和综合的统计方法,自动锁定、跟踪检测和在线甄别其中的客户领袖声音.经过实际算例数据验证,证明该方法科学、合理、有效.

关 键 词:在线社会性网络  客户领袖声音  在线识别  信息融合

A Study on Method of Online Distinguishing Leaders from VOC in OSN
HE Jian-min,WU Rui-xia,YANG Shan-lin. A Study on Method of Online Distinguishing Leaders from VOC in OSN[J]. Systems Engineering Theory·Methodology·Applications, 2009, 18(6)
Authors:HE Jian-min  WU Rui-xia  YANG Shan-lin
Abstract:In OSN (Online Social Networks), it is easy for Leader Opinions of Customers to become the Electronic Word-of-Mouth (EWM) or the Electronic Public Opinion (EPO), which brings the determining influence to Marketing planning and implementation of the enterprise decision-making. This paper aims to distinguish and guide Leader Opinions of Customers from OSN to make them the positive effectiveness EWM or EPO to support the marketing decision of enterprises. This paper first on line detects the customers' daily record data by the interception agency and carries information infusion on multiple attribute data of every interception agency to describe VOC completely and accurately, then uses more discrete and integrated indicators statistical methods based on the distance and lockouts automatically, tracks and examines and on line distinguishes Leader Opinions of Customers. In the end, the method is verified both effective and reasonable through the data of actual case (ZhongHua Website) and has theoretical significance and practical value for the formation of a business-friendly EWM or EPO.
Keywords:online social networks(OSN)  leader opinions of customers  online distinguishing  information fusion
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