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引用本文:彭茜,何淑明. 数据挖掘在劳动成本估计中的应用[J]. 重庆工商大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 29(6): 50-56
作者姓名:彭茜  何淑明
作者单位:1. 西南大学经济管理学院,重庆,400700
2. 重庆工商大学管理学院,重庆,400067
摘    要:企业家在进行投资前考虑的一个重要方面是企业未来的盈利能力,而最终是否盈利则取决于收入和支出。员工的工资总额(劳动力成本的主要部分)作为企业的一项重要支出自然纳入企业家投资决策的考虑范围,对我国不同地区不同行业劳动力成本的合理估计对决策的制定有着重要意义。通过基于聚类分析的数据挖掘技术,结合实证分析对19个主要行业和31个省市自治区(中国大陆)的薪资水平进行了分析和对比,以更直观的方式揭示内在含义,为企业投资决策提供支撑。

关 键 词:数据挖掘技术  劳动力成本  聚类分析

Application of Data Mining to Labor Cost Estimation
PENG Qian,HE Shu-ming. Application of Data Mining to Labor Cost Estimation[J]. Journal of Chongqing Technology and Business University:Natural Science Edition, 2012, 29(6): 50-56
Authors:PENG Qian  HE Shu-ming
Affiliation:1.School of Economics and Management,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China; 2.School of Management,Chongqing Technology and Business University,Chongqing 400067,China)
Abstract:An entreprenur emphatically considers the future profitability of the enterprise before conducting investment,however,whether the enterprise has the profit depends on earnings and expenditure,the total sum of employees wages(main part of labor cost),as an important expenditure of the enterprise,is naturally considered by and in different industries of China plays an important role ...
Keywords:data mining technique  labor cost  clustering analysis
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