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Application Summary of Remote Sensing Technique of the Wes-East Gas Transportation Pipeline
引用本文:Wang Weimin. Application Summary of Remote Sensing Technique of the Wes-East Gas Transportation Pipeline[J]. 中国工程科学, 2004, 2(4): 9-14
作者姓名:Wang Weimin
作者单位:China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co.,Ltd,Hebei Langfang 065000
摘    要:1EnvironmentoverviewofWEGTP TheWEGTPtraversesnorthChinafromwesttoeast,andstridesacrossanextensiveregion .Thetrunkofpipelineisabout 390 0kmlong .Therearemanykindsofclimatesalongtherouteofpipelineandthepipelinegoesthroughalmostallkindsoftopographyandlandform .Therepresentativelandformscanbedividedmainlyintofivekinds,i.e.,theGobidesertregioninXinjiangandGansu ;theloessplateauregioninNingxia,ShanxiandShanxi;thehillyregioninShanxiandHenan ;theNorthChinaplaininHenanandAnhui;andthewaterana…

关 键 词:pipeline; remote sensing; application; summary;

Application Summary of Remote Sensing Technique of the Wes-East Gas Transportation Pipeline
Wang Weimin. Application Summary of Remote Sensing Technique of the Wes-East Gas Transportation Pipeline[J]. Engineering Sciences, 2004, 2(4): 9-14
Authors:Wang Weimin
Affiliation:China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co., Ltd,
Abstract:The West-East Gas Transportation Pipeline (WEGTP) is a strategic project for the energy source transport, which is about 3900 km long. The remote sensing technique has the unique superiority to obtain the geographic information. The remote sensing technique is used in WEGTP to interpret comprehensively the information of geology, landform and humane geography along the route of pipeline, and to update the topographic map along the route of Zhengzhou Shanghai section pipeline, and to interpret finely the crossing point of the Nanjing Changjiang river crossing section. Through the overlap of TM image and the DEM, the complicated landform information can be grasped by the three dimensional flight over the section of complicated geography. The application achievements are managed with RS-GIS service system.
Keywords:pipeline  remote sensing  application  summary
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