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引用本文:易文利. 渭河宝鸡段表层沉积物营养盐分布特征及污染评价[J]. 河南科学, 2014, 0(4): 616-619
摘    要:以渭河宝鸡市区段流域为研究对象,研究了沉积物中总有机质(OM)、总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)的分布特征,分析了沉积物碳-氮-磷两两间的耦合关系,并对渭河宝鸡段沉积物中营养盐的污染状况进行了评价.结果表明:沉积物中OM浓度为0.378%~1.702%,TN浓度为0.031%~0.335%,TP浓度为0.053%~0.100%,沉积物TOC与TN和TP两两间具有显著的相关性(P0.01),且主要来源于藻类和水生生物;通过对营养盐污染评价发现,该河段沉积物有机污染较轻(有机指数均值为0.129),处于较清洁状态,N、P污染相对严重,具有造成较小生态风险的可能性,应注意控制外源氮磷的输入.

关 键 词:沉积物  有机碳      污染评价

Distribution Characteristics and Environmental Pollution Assessment on Nutrient Elements of Weihe River Sediment Surface in Baoji City
Yi Wenli. Distribution Characteristics and Environmental Pollution Assessment on Nutrient Elements of Weihe River Sediment Surface in Baoji City[J]. Henan Science, 2014, 0(4): 616-619
Authors:Yi Wenli
Affiliation:Yi Wenli (Key Lab of Disaster Monitoring and Mechanism Simulating in Shaanxi Province, Baoji University of Arts and Sciences, Baoji 721013, Shaanxi China)
Abstract:The distributions and inter relationship of organic matter,nitrogen and phosphorus in the surface sediments of Weihe River in Baoji City were analyzed,and the pollution level were also appraised. The results showed that the concentrations of OM,TN and TP in the sediment ranged from 0.378% to 1.702%,from 0.031% to 0.335%, and from 0.053%to 0.1%,respectively. The contents of TOC,TN and TP,in sediments were significantly correlation with each other. The results also showed nutrients predominantly originated from algaes and aquatic organisms. Through nutrient contamination evaluating the sediment,it showed that Weihe River in Baoji City was lightly polluted by organic matter (the average organic index was 0.129),but N and P pollution was serious relatively and had the possibility to cause small threat to the ecological system,so we should pay attention to the control of exogenous nitrogen and phosphorus input.
Keywords:sediment  organic carbon  nitrogen  phosphorus  contamination assessment
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