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基于偏移量周期填充的 QC-LDPC 码构造方法
引用本文:张宇,冯春燕,郭彩丽,曾志民. 基于偏移量周期填充的 QC-LDPC 码构造方法[J]. 吉林大学学报(信息科学版), 2008, 26(2): 126-134
作者姓名:张宇  冯春燕  郭彩丽  曾志民
作者单位:1. 中国电子科技集团公司 电子科学研究院,北京 100041; 2. 北京航空航天大学 电子信息工程学院,北京 100191
摘    要:准循环低密度奇偶校验卷积 (QC-LDPC-C: Quasi-Cyclic Low Density Parity-Check Convolutional)码其校验矩阵的构造需避免 4 环,且不考虑结构特点的直接构造会使构造的计算复杂度呈指数增长。为此,提出QC-LDPC-C码的基于子矩阵偏移量周期性填充的构造方法。该方法利用基校验矩阵的周期性,首先填充基校验矩阵中确定的子矩阵部分,以实现快速编码,而后在基校验矩阵的随机子矩阵的构造中采用子矩阵偏移量的优化选择,使每次位置选择并周期性填充后获得的矩阵能满足无 4 环的扩展矩阵结构,得到扩展后无4 环的基校验矩阵,从而令扩展后的校验矩阵的围长至少为 6。将具有不同参数的 LDPC-C 码与基于该方法构造的QC-LDPC-C码进行测试和比较,实验结果表明,后者可获得较好的译码性能,同时编译码复杂度较低。

关 键 词:   QC-LDPC-C 码   码构造   周期性填充   围长   快速编码

Research of Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Network
ZHANG Yu,FENG Chun-yan,GUO Cai-li,ZENG Zhi-min. Research of Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Network[J]. Journal of Jilin University:Information Sci Ed, 2008, 26(2): 126-134
Authors:ZHANG Yu  FENG Chun-yan  GUO Cai-li  ZENG Zhi-min
Affiliation:1. China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology,China Electronics Technology Group Corporation,Beijing 100041,China;2. College of Electronic and Information Engineering,Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Beijing 100191,China
Abstract:The construction of parity check matrices for QC-LDPC-C (Quasi-Cyclic Low Density Parity-CheckConvolutional) codes needs to be free of length-4 cycles,and the computational complexity of directconstruction will increase exponentially without considering the characteristics of matrices. The construction forQC-LDPC-C codes based on periodic filling with offsets of sub-matrices is proposed. With the periodicity of thebase check matrix,the proposed method fills the deterministic sub-matrices to realize fast encoding; during theconstruction for random sub-matrices,the optimized selection with offsets of sub-matrices is utilized to ensurethat the obtained matrix after each selection for sub-matrix position and periodic expansion satisfies theexpended structure without length-4 cycles. The base check matrix whose expanded matrix is free of length-4cycles can be obtained,and the girth of expanded check matrix is at least 6. LDPC-C codes with differentparameters are used to compare with the constructed QC-LDPC-C codes. Experimental results show that thecodes constructed with proposed method can achieve better performance and lower encoding and decodingcomplexity.
Keywords:quasi-cyclic low density parity-check convolutional ( QC-LDPC-C) code   code construction  
periodic filling
   girth   fast encoding
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