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引用本文:史宇峰,张世英. 动态投资组合风险控制策略[J]. 系统工程, 2008, 26(1): 39-44
作者姓名:史宇峰  张世英
摘    要:从股市上采集的大量股票收益率数据表明,前后相邻的股票收益率数据呈现出一定程度的依赖关系,即前期收益率呈现出大的波动幅度,紧接着后期收益率也呈现出大的波动幅度,这样的波动特点被称之为"波动聚集性","风险传染性",在金融计量上,通常用收益率的方差来定量刻画收益率的波动幅度的大小和相应收益率风险的大小,因此本文选用能准确拟合金融资产收益率方差的GARCH模型来刻画金融资产收益率的这种"风险传染性",在此基础上应用协同持续思想构建了投资组合的风险优化控制模型,并求得了相应最优投资组合权重.选取6支股票作了实证检验.检验结果表明,按该模型配王的投资组合收益率长期被控制在较小的风险范围,在统计上亦表现出较高的夏普比.

关 键 词:动态投资组合  协同持续  风险控制  动态投资  组合风险  控制策略  Portfolio  Dynamic  Risk  夏普  表现  统计  范围  被控制  组合收益率  检验结果  实证检验  股票  选取  组合权重  最优投资  优化控制模型  投资组合

The Control Strategy for the Risk of the Dynamic Portfolio
SHI Yu-feng,ZHANG Shi-ying. The Control Strategy for the Risk of the Dynamic Portfolio[J]. Systems Engineering, 2008, 26(1): 39-44
Authors:SHI Yu-feng  ZHANG Shi-ying
Affiliation:SHI Yu-feng,ZHANG Shi-ying(School of Management,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China)
Abstract:A large number of stock market data indicate that the dependence of stocks occurs between consecutive data earlier and later,in other words,the large volatility is followed by large one,namely volatility aggregation,risk infection,and,in econometrics,the variance of the return ration quantitatively depict the range of volatility and the size of the risk,so this paper applys the GARCH model that can accurately fit the variance of the return ration of the financial assets to describe the transmission of risk ...
Keywords:Dynamic Portfolio   Co-persistence   Risk Control
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