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引用本文:张永林,钟毅芳. 汽车道路双轮辙多点随机激励建模与仿真研究[J]. 系统仿真学报, 2004, 16(6): 1147-1149,1154
作者姓名:张永林  钟毅芳
作者单位:1. 华中科技大学CAD中心,湖北武汉430074;武汉工业学院,湖北武汉430023
2. 华中科技大学CAD中心,湖北武汉430074
摘    要:道路随机过程通用的描述方法为频域的功率谱密度函数方法。基于道路频域模型,研究了用白噪声滤波方法得到与给定谱特征相对应的道路时延相关性模型的模拟原理及其数学方法,同时提出了针对车辆道路空间相关的双轮辙激励模拟的有效途径——激励输入白噪声的传递函数法,并应用该方法再现了道路不平度的有代表性的时间历程。通过计算机仿真实例,证明了所用方法的正确性和精确性。

关 键 词:路面不平度 随机过程 双轮辙激励 时域模型 数值仿真

Investigation into the Time Domain Model and Numerical Simulation of Bilateral Track Excitation from Road Irregularities
ZHANG Yong-lin,,ZHONG Yi-fang. Investigation into the Time Domain Model and Numerical Simulation of Bilateral Track Excitation from Road Irregularities[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2004, 16(6): 1147-1149,1154
Authors:ZHANG Yong-lin    ZHONG Yi-fang
Affiliation:ZHANG Yong-lin1,2,ZHONG Yi-fang1
Abstract:Road irregularity, as a stationary stochastic process, is generally illustrated by power spectral density (PSD) in frequency domain. Based on the frequency model, the white noise filtration method was used to generate the time domain model of road unevenness. The temporal and spatial correlation between different excitation input points was taken into account in the time domain model. The resulting model as a typical time history of road irregularity was, theoretically, discussed and, numerically, simulated. Finally, the conclusion was given that the new method was feasible and accurate.
Keywords:road irregularities  stochastic process  bilateral track excitation  time domain model  numerical simulation
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