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引用本文:何良华,邹采荣,赵力. 一种基于肤色和模板梯度的人脸检测方法[J]. 应用科学学报, 2004, 22(4): 487-492
作者姓名:何良华  邹采荣  赵力
作者单位:1. 东南大学,学习科学研究中心,江苏,南京,210096;东南大学,无线电工程系,江苏,南京,210096
2. 东南大学,无线电工程系,江苏,南京,210096
摘    要:提出了一种基于肤色和模板梯度的人脸榆测方法,该方法首先利用肤色信息找到人脸的大致位置,再利用主分量分析提取出公共脸并以此作为匹配模板,最终采用二阶梯度法作为判别准则.结果表明本算法能明显地提高检测速度,检测率比一般的模板法有较大地提高.

关 键 词:人脸检测 匹配模板 检测率 肤色 主分量分析 梯度 算法 取出 法能 阶梯

A Method Using Skin-Color and Template Gradients for Face Detection
HE Liang-hua. A Method Using Skin-Color and Template Gradients for Face Detection[J]. Journal of Applied Sciences, 2004, 22(4): 487-492
Authors:HE Liang-hua
Affiliation:HE Liang-hua~
Abstract:Face detection is a traditional subject. However with the development of computer science, it is attracting increasing attention. In this paper a combined method for face detection is proposed using skin-color detection and template gradient matching. First, skin-color regions which are considered as face candidate areas are detected using a color model. The principal component analysis is then carried out to produce a common face which is used as a matching face model. Finally, the second order gradient is employed as a decision criterion. Experimental results show that the proposed method can substantially increase detection speed and improve the detection rate.
Keywords:face detection  skin-color  principal component analysis
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