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引用本文:魏建军,孔永健,关彦斌. 多目标优化在路面养护决策中的应用[J]. 北京交通大学学报(自然科学版), 2007, 31(1): 115-118
作者姓名:魏建军  孔永健  关彦斌
摘    要:路面养护决策时需要将道路使用者不同的效益换算为费用进行寿命周期费用分析,这样的换算过程不仅不合理,而且还存在很大的任意性和不确定性、文中通过建立路网中某一路段在分析期内所需投入养护资金最小和所获取用户效益最大的多个目标的优化模型,对项目在整个分析期的养护计划和养护资金需求的问题进行了研究.模型求解时利用多目标优化中Pareto最优解和非劣解(noninferior solutions)的概念,并利用遗传算法,求得优化模型解.通过对实例计算分析,验证了模型的有效性.

关 键 词:路面管理  多目标优化  遗传算法  寿命周期费用分析

Multiobjective Optimization in Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation Programming
WEI Jian-jun,KONG Yong-jian,GUAN Yan-bin. Multiobjective Optimization in Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation Programming[J]. JOURNAL OF BEIJING JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY, 2007, 31(1): 115-118
Authors:WEI Jian-jun  KONG Yong-jian  GUAN Yan-bin
Abstract:Traditionally,the fond for maintenance and rehabilitation are acquired on the basis of the Life-Cycle Cost Analysis,which needs to convert the user benefit into a single monetary value.But it is unreasonable and uncorrectable to convert some of the user benefit into monetary.A multiple objectives optimal model which optimizes or prioritizes on the combinations of cost and benefit(effectiveness) is set up in this paper.For solving multi-objective optimization problems,the concepts of Pareto optimal solution are adopted.This paper develops a genetic-algorithm-based procedure for solving multi-objective project level pavement maintenance programming problems.The solutions we obtained in this dissertation should put into practice in order to testify their rationality and feasibility.
Keywords:pavement management  multi-objective optimization  genetic algorithm  life-cycle cost analysis  
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