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引用本文:王春庭. 论汉魏六朝士人的生命意识[J]. 龙岩学院学报, 2007, 25(5): 6-9,15
摘    要:汉魏两晋和南北朝是中国历史上最为漫长的动乱与黑暗的时代,战争频繁、瘟疫肆虐、政权迭变,造成白骨遍野、赤地千里的惨象.对此,士人们痛感人生无常,时不我予,虽有济世之志,却无用武之地,强烈的个性意识与情感欲望遭到了严酷的摧抑,它构成了汉魏六朝士人悲天悯人、惜时怜物的审美心境.同时,也唤醒了士人主体生命意识的觉醒,激励他们为追求生的权利而执着探索人生的真谛.

关 键 词:忧生  生命意识  觉醒  悲剧

On Life Awareness of Six Dynasties'''' Scholars
WANG Chun-ting. On Life Awareness of Six Dynasties'''' Scholars[J]. Journal of Longyan Univercity, 2007, 25(5): 6-9,15
Authors:WANG Chun-ting
Affiliation:WANG Chun-ting
Abstract:In Chinese history,the Han Dynasty,the Wei Dynasty,the Jin Dynasty and South and North Dynasties are the longest period of social disturbance and political darkness.During that period,the authorities were changed swiftly;wars and epidemic diseases occurred constantly;people lived a miserable life.The scholars at that time felt the uncertainty of life,and their strong personal awareness and emotions was badly oppressed,which brought them a tragically aesthetic taste.Meanwhile,their life awareness was also awakened,and became an inspiration for pursuing the right of surviving and exploring the true meaning of life.
Keywords:anxiety for life  life awareness  awakening  tragedy  
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