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引用本文:杨柳,李济洪. 极值分布右截尾线性回归模型参数的极大似然估计[J]. 山西师范大学学报:自然科学版, 2009, 23(2): 17-19
作者姓名:杨柳  李济洪
作者单位:杨柳,YANG Liu(山西财经大学应用数学系,山西,太原,030006);李济洪,LI Ji-hong(山西大学计算中心,山西,太原,030006)  
摘    要:本文对右截尾数据的线性回归模型,在误差服从极值分布条件下,先给出其参数极大似然估计的一般迭代算法,然后证明了尺度参数为常数时EM算法与该一般迭代算法的一致性,保证了迭代的收敛.

关 键 词:截尾回归  极大似然估计  EM算法  极值分布

Maximum Likelihood Estimate of the Parameters in Linear Regression Models with Right Censored Data from Extreme-Value Distribution
YANG Liu,LI Ji-hong. Maximum Likelihood Estimate of the Parameters in Linear Regression Models with Right Censored Data from Extreme-Value Distribution[J]. Journal of Shanxi Teachers University, 2009, 23(2): 17-19
Authors:YANG Liu  LI Ji-hong
Affiliation:1.Department of Applied Mathematics;Shanxi University of Finance & Economics;Taiyuan 030006;Shanxi;China;2.Computer Centre of Shanxi University;China
Abstract:In linear regression models with right censored,we have presented an ordinary iterative algorithm for the maximum likelihood estimate on the parameters when errors are from extreme-value distribution,and proved the consistency between the iterative algorithm and EM algorithm in situations with constant dispersion parameter,ensuring iterative convergence.
Keywords:censored regression  maximum likelihood estimate  EM algorithm  extreme-value distribution  
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