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Synthesis of Load Impedances That Reduce TE-Scatering from Conducting Cylinder with Arbitrary Cross Section
摘    要:SynthesisofLoadImpedancesThatReduceTE-ScateringfromConductingCylinderwithArbitraryCrosSectionYinHongchengAirForceRadarResearc...

Synthesis of Load Impedances That Reduce TE-Scattering from Conducting Cylinder with Arbitrary Cross Section
Abstract:The reduction of TE-scattering by a conducting cylinder with multiple surface impedance loads is investigated. Synthesis procedures are developed to find the optimal loading which result in zero scattering in the desired directions or at several frequencies. Numerical results of these procedures are presented. The theoretical predictions are confirmed with an experiment. The proposed synthesis procedure is completely general and can be applied to arbitrarily shaped conducting bodies.
Keywords:Electromagnetic scattering   Impedance loading   Impedance synthesis   Radar cross section.
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