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引用本文:颜素珠,陈秀夫,范允平,方堃. 广东河网地带的水生植被[J]. 暨南大学学报(自然科学与医学版), 1988, 0(3)
作者姓名:颜素珠  陈秀夫  范允平  方堃
摘    要:本地区的水生维管束植物种类相当丰富。现已知有131种,隶属于81属,44科,其中挺水植物70种、沉水植物33种、浮水及浮叶植物28种。这些植物对外界环境各有不同的选择,现将它们分为:(一)流动河涌申的植物群落,包括:(1)密齿苦草+竹叶眼予菜+穗花狐尾藻群丛,(2)竹叶眼子菜+穗花狐尾藻群丛。(二)农田灌溉水渠植物群落,包括有:(1)喜旱莲子草+水蓑衣+田字萍群丛。(2)黑藻+水龙群丛。(3)野芋+菰群丛。(4)箭叶雨久花+喜旱莲子草群丛。(三)静水植物群落(低洼水(土朗)、人工湖、荒废池塘),包括有:(1)野荸荠+木贼状荸荠群丛。(2)金银莲花+竹叶眼子菜+密齿苦草群丛。(3)石龙尾+圆叶节节菜群丛。(四)珠江口海滩植物群落,包括有:(1)桐花树+秋茄树+木榄群丛。(2)老鼠簕+桐花树群丛。(3)短叶茳芏+菰群丛。生活在同一水体的各种植物,往往为争夺生活地盘和其他的生态因子而展开剧烈的竞争,不仅种间有竞争,种群内的不同个体也有生存竞争。

关 键 词:植物群落  群丛  水生植被

Water Vegetation of River Net Section in Guangdong
Yan Suzhu Chen xiufu Fan yunping Fang kun. Water Vegetation of River Net Section in Guangdong[J]. Journal of Jinan University(Natural Science & Medicine Edition), 1988, 0(3)
Authors:Yan Suzhu Chen xiufu Fan yunping Fang kun
Abstract:The river section is rich in species of water bundle plants. There are 131 species, belong to 81 genera, "44 families, Among them, there are 28 species in floating plants and floating leaves plants, 33 species in submerged plants, 69 species in emersed and stand plants. They are divided into four plant commu-nities:(1) plants community of flowing rivulet1, Villisneria denseserrulata + Potamogeton malianus + Myriophyllum Spicatum Assoc iatio2, Potamogeton malianus+Myriophyllum spicatum Associatio(2) Plants community of agricullural irrigation gutter1. Alternanthera phjloxeroides + Hygrophila megalanlha + Marsilea quadr ifolia Associatio2. Hydrilla verticillata+Jussiaea repens Associatio3. Colocasia antiquorum+Zizania latifolia Associatio4. Monochoria hastata+Alternanthera philoxeroides Associatio(3) Plants community of Stagmant Water1. Eleocharis plantagineiformis+E. equisetina2. Nymphoides indica+Potamogeton malianus+Vallisneris denseserrulata Associatio3. Limnophila sessiliflora+Rotala rotundifolia Associatio(4) Plants community of coast waters of Pearl River Mouth1. Aegiceras corniculatum + Kandelia candel + Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Associatio2. Acanthus ilicifolius+Aegiceras corniculatum Associatio3. Cyperus malaccinsis vat. brevifolius+Zizania Caduciflora Associatio
Keywords:Plants community  Association  Water bundle plants  
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