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引用本文:张长敏,祁丽华,慎乃齐. 采空区建筑地基稳定性评价研究[J]. 湖南科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2006, 21(4): 47-50
作者姓名:张长敏  祁丽华  慎乃齐
作者单位:1. 中国地震局,地质研究所,北京,100029;北京市地质研究所,北京,100011
2. 中国地质大学(北京),北京,100083
摘    要:以东方龙泉建筑工程为例,基于刚体极限平衡原理。采用力学分析方法确定了建筑荷载作用下采空区上覆岩层的临界厚度.同时。由现场勘察和地质资料,建立了采空区场地的工程地质模型和三维数值模型,应用FLACm揭示了采空区场地在自重场下和建筑荷载作用下的三维应力场、位移场和破坏场的变化特征。分析了地表残余变形倾斜值、最大水平位移及曲率等,对采空区场地地基进行了稳定性评价。得出谊场区在建筑物荷载作用下采空区地基处于稳定性状态.该评价方法对类似工程有重要指导意义和借鉴价值.图6,表1,参7.

关 键 词:采空区 稳定性评价 力学分析 数值模拟

Stability Analysis of the Building Foundation for Goaf
ZHANG Chang-ming,QI Li-hua,SHEN Nai-qi. Stability Analysis of the Building Foundation for Goaf[J]. Journal of Hunan University of Science & Technology(Natural Science Editon), 2006, 21(4): 47-50
Authors:ZHANG Chang-ming  QI Li-hua  SHEN Nai-qi
Affiliation:1. Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100029, China; 2.Beijing Geological Institute, Beijing 100011, China; 3.China University of Geosciences(Beijing
Abstract:Taking the orient Longquan project for example,according to the limit equilibrium theory,critical depth of stratum on the goaf is calculated by the method of mechanics.On the basis of the reconnaissance and geology data,the FLAC3D is used to open out the changing characteristics of stress field,displacement field and state field,and to get the residual deformation dates of gradient,horizontal displacement and curvature,by means of which the stability of the building foundation on the goaf is analysed and shown at the state of stability underneath the building.The method is of great significance and value for similar projects to use as reference.6figs.,1tab.,7refs.
Keywords:goaf   stability analysis   mechanics calculation   numerical simulation
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