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引用本文:徐瑞峰,方易新. 删失回归模型的随机逼近[J]. 中国科学技术大学学报, 2003, 33(4): 379-387
作者姓名:徐瑞峰  方易新
基金项目:ResearchpartiallysupportedbyNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(GrantNo.10171094),andPhD.ProgramFoundationoftheMinistryofEducationofChina .
摘    要:讨论了删失回归模型系数的LAD估计.Rao and zhao(1992)提出了一般线性回归模型系数的M估计的随机逼近,本文把这一方法推广到删失回归模型。

关 键 词:删失回归 LAD估计 随机加权

Distribution Approximation in Censored Regression Model by Randomly Weighting Bootstrap
Abstract. Distribution Approximation in Censored Regression Model by Randomly Weighting Bootstrap[J]. Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 2003, 33(4): 379-387
Abstract:The least absolute deviation (LAD) Estimator of regression parameters in the censored regression model are considered. Rao and Zhao (1992) developed the random weighting method for M-estimates in linear regression models. In this paper we extend these results are extented to the censored regression models.
Keywords:censored regression model  LAD estimator  randomly weighting
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