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引用本文:胡应平. 群决策中模糊偏好集结的软技术[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 1999, 19(5): 105-109. DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1999)5-105
摘    要:本文在作者文献[7]的基础上,集中探讨模糊语言偏好下群体决策的间接求解软技术.首先给出两个模糊集间的符合度及其熵等概念,并采用这两种方法构造模糊语言偏好集结的软技术.接下去应用模糊期望和模糊语言多数的技术,给出群体决策间接解的生成技术;最后给出实例计算说明.该模型主要特点是以熵作准则,以符合度作为尺度,形成群决策的间接求解方法.

关 键 词:群决策  软技术  模糊熵   

Soft Techniques for Aggregation of Fuzzy Preferences under Group Decision Making
HU Yingping. Soft Techniques for Aggregation of Fuzzy Preferences under Group Decision Making[J]. Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice, 1999, 19(5): 105-109. DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1999)5-105
Authors:HU Yingping
Affiliation:Nanchang Military Academy
Abstract:Based on the author's paper, this paper aims at exploring the soft techniques of the indirect solution for group decision making with fuzzy linguistic preference. At first, the concept of coincidence degree and it's entropy between fuzzy sets is given and used to produce soft techniques for aggregation of the fuzzy linguistic preference. Next, fuzzy expected value and fuzzy majority are applied to give generating techniques for the indirect solution of group decision making. At last, a computing example is illustrated. The marked feature of this model is the use of the criteria with entropy and the measure with coincidence degree to generate indirect solving techniques of group decision making.
Keywords:group decision making  soft techniques  fuzzy entropy  coincidence degree
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