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引用本文:邱道持 廖和平. 重庆市建设用地预测模型探讨[J]. 西南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 1996, 21(4): 374-380
作者姓名:邱道持 廖和平
摘    要:运用灰色系统分析方法预测城市建设用地是可行的,为满足建要求,应以城市建设用地存量为基础,采用累加方法建立生成数列,1991~2000年重庆市发和地预测模型为Xt+1=115626.4538e^0.094382941t-104572.0538平均每年城市建设用地增量为1727.88hm^2,预测结果符合该市土地利用总体规划控制目标。

关 键 词:建设用地 预测模型 灰色系统 重庆市

An exploration into the predicting model of urben building land in Chongqing city
Qiu Daochi, Liao Heping, Yang Qingyuan. An exploration into the predicting model of urben building land in Chongqing city[J]. Journal of southwest china normal university(natural science edition), 1996, 21(4): 374-380
Authors:Qiu Daochi   Liao Heping   Yang Qingyuan
Abstract:It is available to precdict the urban building-land by the analytical method of gray system. In or der to form the predicting model, the preservative area of the urban buiding-land is put as the basis on which the growsing line is formed by summation. In Chongqing city, the Predicting modet of urban building-land from 1991 to 2000 is that X(1)(t 1)=115 626. 453 8e0.094382941t-104 572. 053 8, and the mean growing area of urban building-land is 1728. 88 hm2 in one year. This predictive result accords complelely with the controling aim of the land use planning of Chongqing city.
Keywords:building land  predicting model  gray system  Chongqing city  
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