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引用本文:况晓辉,苏金树,胡华平,吕世辉. 一种具有成员限制的移动自组网络簇生成算法[J]. 大连理工大学学报, 2003, 43(Z1): 1-4
作者姓名:况晓辉  苏金树  胡华平  吕世辉
作者单位:1. 国防科学技术大学计算机学院,湖南,长沙,410073
2. 北京科技大学信息工程学院,北京,100080
摘    要:在移动自组网络中,许多应用都依赖层次结构的支持.簇结构是移动自组网络中应用最为广泛的层次结构.然而,由于受节点的资源限制,当节点密度较高时,簇首不可能服务所有邻居节点.基于max-degree算法提出一种具有成员限制的簇生成算法CMLA,根据簇首节点选择成员的方式不同,提出了最小权值、最大权值以及随机簇成员选择策略.模拟实验表明,在节点密度较高的移动自组网络中,采用最小权值簇成员选择策略的CMLA算法在簇首节点数量以及负载均衡度等方面均优于其他策略和算法.

关 键 词:移动自组网络  簇生成  成员限制  CMLA

A member-limited clustering algorithm for mobile Ad Hoc networks
Abstract:Many mobile ad hoc applications depend upon hierarchical structure. Clustering is a most popular method to impose a hierarchical structure in the ad hoc networks. However, a clusterhead may not be able to handle a large number of nodes due to resource limitations even if these nodes are its immediate neighbors and lie well within its transmission range. A novel member-limited clustering algorithm named CMLA is proposed. Three member choosing policies that can be used in CMLA are discussed. Simulation results verify the high efficiency of the CMLA with minimum weight first member choosing policy.
Keywords:mobile ad hoc networks  clustering  member-limited  CMLA
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