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摘    要:在树种组成、郁闭度、林龄等林分条件相似的情况下,对天然次生针阔混交林进行定株抚育,设置5%、10%、15%、20%、25%等5种不同的定株抚育强度.结果表明:样地间林木胸径生长量之间显著性差异主要来源于抚育强度5%、10%及15%,当抚育强度大于15%时,进一步提高抚育强度并不能使林木胸径有显著性增长;提高抚育强度对于树高增长没有显著性促进作用;提高抚育强度能够提高林地林木增长量,但当抚育强度达到一定程度(15%)时候,继续提高抚育强度并不能使林木蓄积有显著性增长.

关 键 词:天然次生针阔混交林  定株抚育  胸径  树高  林木蓄积

Study on the Differences of the Growth Status of Natural Secondary Coniferous and Broad-Leaved Mixed Forest Under Different Tending Intensity of Singling
Affiliation:,Henan Baotianman National Nature Reserve Administration,Huangshian Administration of Henan Funiu Mountain National Nature Reserve
Abstract:In the case of forest stand,canopy densities and stand age under the similar conditions,forest tending to natural secondary coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest were carried out according to different tending intensity of singling 5%,10%,15%,20%,25%.The difference of DBH growth between the plots mainly came from the tending intensity of 5%,10% and 15%.When the tending intensities was more than15%,increasing the tending intensities did not significantly increased the growth of DBH.Raising the tending intensities had no significant effects on the growth of the tree height.Increasing the intensities of tending can further increase the growth of tree volume,but when the tending intensities reaches a certain level(15%),increasing tending intensities can't increase the growth of tree volume significantly.
Keywords:natural secondary coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest  singling  diameter at breast height  tree height  tree volume
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