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引用本文:张娅岚,阳小龙,隆克,邝育军. 一种链路丢包门限动态变化的网络拓扑推测算法[J]. 重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版), 2007, 19(2): 210-215
作者姓名:张娅岚  阳小龙  隆克  邝育军
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 , 教育部跨世纪优秀人才培养计划 , 重庆市科委资助项目 , 重庆市教委资助项目
摘    要:目前端到端逻辑拓扑推测方法主要有极大似然方法和分群方法。极大似然方法的计算量会随网络规模的增加而急剧增长,从而影响在实际网络中的应用。采用计算量较小的分群推测方法,针对GLT算法中采用固定丢包率判决门限,所导致的较大推测误差,提出了改进的任意拓扑推测算法GLT。该算法利用每次迭代过程中得到的链路丢包率的估计值对,进行动态调整。仿真结果表明,GLT算法将ξ与链路丢包率估计值相结合,有效地防止了采用GLT算法导致的拓扑推测准确率的严重恶化,提高了算法性能。

关 键 词:组播探测包  拓扑推测  丢包率  端到端测量

A topology inference algorithm based on dynamically adapted link loss-ratio
ZHANG Ya-lan,YANG Xiao-long,LONG Ke-ping,KUANG Yu-jun. A topology inference algorithm based on dynamically adapted link loss-ratio[J]. Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 2007, 19(2): 210-215
Authors:ZHANG Ya-lan  YANG Xiao-long  LONG Ke-ping  KUANG Yu-jun
Affiliation:1. Research Centre for Optical Internet and Mobile Information Networks, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, P. R. China; 2. Research Center for Optical Internet and Wireless Information Networks, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065 ,P. R. China
Abstract:MLE and grouping methods recently have been proposed as means to infer network logical topology, but the time spent on MLE increased sharply with the size of the networks. Aiming at the disadvantages brought by fixed in GLT algorithm, this paper proposes an improved algorithm IGLT based on the grouping method with less computation, which dynamically adapts according to the estimation of link loss-ratio. Compared with GLT algorithms, the simulation results prove that IGLT combining the estimation of link loss-ratio shows greater performance.
Keywords:multicast probes   topology inference   loss rater end-to-end measurement
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