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Restoring urbanization process in China in the 1990s by using non-radiance-calibrated DMSP/OLS nighttime light imagery and statistical data
引用本文:HE Chunyang SHI Peijun LI dinggang CHEN din PAN Yaozhong LI ding ZHUO Li Ichinose Toshiaki. Restoring urbanization process in China in the 1990s by using non-radiance-calibrated DMSP/OLS nighttime light imagery and statistical data[J]. 科学通报(英文版), 2006, 51(13): 1614-1620. DOI: 10.1007/s11434-006-2006-3
作者姓名:HE Chunyang SHI Peijun LI dinggang CHEN din PAN Yaozhong LI ding ZHUO Li Ichinose Toshiaki
作者单位:[1]Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disaster, Min istry of Education of China, College of Resources Science & Tech nology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China [2]Japan National Institute of Environmental Studies, 16-20nogawa, Tsukuba, 305-8506, Japan
基金项目:Acknowledgements The authors thank two anonymous reviewers for their thoughtful comments on the earlier draft. The work was supported by National 0utstanding Youth Foundation of China (Grant No. 40425008).
摘    要:
Since implementing the reform and open policy from 1978, China has been experiencing the fast urbaniza- tion process [1]. Recently, understanding the urban pat- tern characteristics and the change processes to adjust and optimize the urban land use patter…

关 键 词:城市化 中国 DMSP/OLS 统计数据

Restoring urbanization process in China in the 1990s by using non-radiance-calibrated DMSP/OLS nighttime light imagery and statistical data
Chunyang He,Peijun Shi,Jinggang Li,Jin Chen,Yaozhong Pan,Jing Li,Li Zhuo,Toshiaki Ichinose. Restoring urbanization process in China in the 1990s by using non-radiance-calibrated DMSP/OLS nighttime light imagery and statistical data[J]. Chinese science bulletin, 2006, 51(13): 1614-1620. DOI: 10.1007/s11434-006-2006-3
Authors:Chunyang He  Peijun Shi  Jinggang Li  Jin Chen  Yaozhong Pan  Jing Li  Li Zhuo  Toshiaki Ichinose
Affiliation:(1) Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disaster, Ministry of Education of China, College of Resources Science & Technology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China;(2) Japan National Institute of Environmental Studies, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba 305-8506, Japan
Since current administrative unit-based urban land area statistical data in China lack enough spatial information, the urbanization process re- search at large scale cannot be effectively supported. Based on the current administrative unit-based urban land area statistical data in China, a new approach to quickly and cheaply derive urban land information from the non-radiance-calibrated Defense Meteoro- logical Satellite Program/ Operational Linescan Sys- tem (DMSP/OLS) nighttime light imagery is pre- sented in this paper. With the new approach, the ur- ban pattern information in China in 1992, 1996 and 1998 was derived with the urbanization processes in China in the 1990s restored by using the non-ra- diance-calibrated DMSP/OLS nighttime imagery. The accuracy assessment based on the statistical data showed that the relative error between the derived total urban land area and the statistical data at na- tional scale was less than 2% in 1992, and less than 1% in 1996 and 1998, and the maximum relative er- ror at province scale do not exceed 10% with most of the provinces less than 3%. In addition, the urban patterns derived from the high-resolution Landsat TM imagery were compared with those from the DMSP/ OLS data. The results showed that the urban pattern characteristics derived from DMSP/OLS were basi-cally coincident with those from TM imagery with the total accuracy of about 80%. Thus it can be seen that our restored urbanization process in China in the 1990s by using the non-radiance DMSP/OLS night- time imagery can be accepted and can represent the actual urban development in China at that time on the whole.
Keywords:urbanization   China   DMSP/OLS   statistical data.  
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