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引用本文:郑中义,吴兆麟,赵连昌. 水上交通观测天数与交通量估计精度的关系[J]. 大连海事大学学报(自然科学版), 2002, 28(z1): 87-91
作者姓名:郑中义  吴兆麟  赵连昌
摘    要:利用数理统计与概率论的有关理论,在定义了以置信区间的长度与船舶交通量日均估计值之比作为相对误差的基础上,得到了船舶交通量观测时间与精度关系的有关结论.该结论可作为港口规划、实施船舶定线制及确定无线电岸台交换机容量决策的参考依据.

关 键 词:船舶  交通量  观测时间  观测精度

Relation between the number of observational days and the accuracy on the estimation of matine traffic volume
Abstract. Relation between the number of observational days and the accuracy on the estimation of matine traffic volume[J]. Journal of Dalian Maritime University, 2002, 28(z1): 87-91
Abstract:The theories of mathematical statistics and probability theory are used to define the ratio betweenthe length of confidence interval and the average estimation of daily traffic volumes as the relative error,some conclusions are drawn on relations between the number of observational days and the accuracy on theestimation of traffic volume. These conclusions may be applied to the harbour planning, establishment ves-sel traffic separation scheme, and the determination of the numbers of exchanger on shore-based radio sta-tion.
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