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引用本文:张治国,王仁卿,陆健健. 胶东沿海砂生植被基本特征及主要建群种空间分布格局的研究[J]. 山东大学学报(理学版), 2002, 37(4): 364-368
作者姓名:张治国  王仁卿  陆健健
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 3 9970 0 80 ),河口海岸国家重点实验室开放基金资助
摘    要:沿海砂生植被是由一些砂生植物和耐水和抗干旱的植物组成,主要特点是种类组成简单、群落类型较少,植物的生活型为地下芽植物和一年生植物占优势,主要群落可划分10个群落。构成生态系统初级生产者的植物群落的关键种的分布格局,反应了群落的时空分布格局与群落对砂生栖息地的适应,并在一定程度揭示了生物群落在时间尺度上的演替过程。砂生植物群落是构成沿海特殊景观的主要组成部分,对沙和海岸的可持续发展发挥着独特的作用,合理利用和保护对于该类植被和植物资源具有重要的意义。

关 键 词:砂生植被  特征  关键种  分布格局

Basic Characteristics of the Psammophytic Vegetation on Coasts of Shandong Province and the Spatial Pattern of Its Keystone Species
ZHANG Zhi-guo ,,WANG Ren-qing & LU Jian-jian. Basic Characteristics of the Psammophytic Vegetation on Coasts of Shandong Province and the Spatial Pattern of Its Keystone Species[J]. Journal of Shandong University, 2002, 37(4): 364-368
Authors:ZHANG Zhi-guo     WANG Ren-qing & LU Jian-jian
Affiliation:ZHANG Zhi-guo 1,2,WANG Ren-qing 1 & LU Jian-jian 2
Abstract:The plant community of coastal psammophytic vegetation is consisted of prammophytes and other sand-tolerating plant species.The basic characteristics of he vegetation are:(1)simple species composition(40 seed plant species,belonging to 18 families and 35 genera are recorded),(2)fewer community types and lees-intensive distribution;(3)life-forms being mainly geocryptohytes and annualis,which belong to two different growth forms.The vegetation are able to be divided into two main types(herbaceous and lignosas)and 10 communities.According the analysis of the spatial pattern based on the least squares methood,the spatial pattern of keystone species of the vegetation are depend on both the attribute of the species itself and the adaptation of the species to the environment.The spatial pattern of the keystone species determined the basic structure of the community,and, further more the structure of ecosystem.At the same time related problems concerning the exploitation,utilization and preservation of the vegetation are discussed.
Keywords:psammophytic vegetation  basic characteristic  keystone species  spatial pattern
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