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Potentiating action of hexoprenaline on14C-aminopyrine uptake by isolated rat parietal cells
Authors:S. Maśliński  H. -J. Ruoff
Affiliation:(1) Pharmakologisches Institut der Universität Tübingen, Wilhelmstr. 56, D-7400 Tübingen, (Federal Republic of Germany)
Abstract:Summary Hexoprenaline potentiated the14C-aminopyrine uptake (a reliable index of H+ generation) of isolated rat gastric cells stimulated by 10–6–10–4 mol/l carbachol, and inhibited that in response to 10–4 mol/l histamine without and in the presence of propranolol. It is concluded that hexoprenaline acts as a partial agonist on parietal cell H2-receptors and that beta-adrenoceptor activation may functionally modualte gastric acid secretion.Acknowledgments. S. Masacutelinacuteski, Institute of Rheumatology, Warszawa, held a fellowship of the Alexander v. Humboldt-Foundation. The study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. The skilful technical assistance of Mrs R. Maier and Mr R. Beer is gratefully acknowledged.
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