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引用本文:朱慧新. 民办高校发展中存在的问题及对策研究[J]. 浙江万里学院学报, 2000, 13(4): 70-74
摘    要:民办高校是我国改革开放后重新崛起的新生事物,目前它正以前所未有的速度发展。民办高校是我国社会经济生活的需要,其发展具有重要性和必然性。但目前民办高校发展中存在着不少问题,文章采取理论、实证与实践相结合的方法,阐述了其发展过程中存在教育投资与发展、生源数量与质量、师资质量与结构以及培养缺乏特色等问题。从而提出了自觉利用经济规律和教育规律办学、面向市场、准确定位、加强就业指导、加强和企业、用人单位长期合作等若干对策措施。对推动民办高校健康发展。促使民办高校为社会培育优秀人才具有客观现实意义。

关 键 词:民办高校 存在问题 对策研究

A study of the Problems and Countermeasures in the Development of Private colleges and Universities
Abstract:Privatecolleges and universities that again cam e into being after the o pening up of China, arenow enjoying an unprecedented prosperity. Their presence is of great importance andnecessity to the social and economic need of the countr y nevertheless, problems therestill in their present development. This articl e, by means of theoretical analysis andcase study,elaborates on the existing problems in the development of such colleges anduniversities, such as educational fund and development, the quantity and quality of students, the quality and structure of teachers, the characteristics of training programs ands o on. It puts forward several corresponding measures, and the utilization of ec onomicrules and educational rule in running colleges and universities, analyzing market trendsand establishing training programs with one's own characteristics , strengthening guidancein employment and developing long-term cooper ation with enterprises. The article is ofgreat significance in furthering the h ealthy development of private colleges anduniversities and in encouraging the training of excellent qualified personnel for thesociety.
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