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引用本文:徐凌. 科学元勘的第三波及其争论述评[J]. 自然辩证法研究, 2006, 22(6): 46-51
摘    要:本文评述了关于公众参与科技决策的一场学术争论。柯林斯等认为,科学知识社会学对公众参与科技决策的支持过于宽泛,导致了“对技术决策的参与应该扩展多远?”这样的疑问。他们提出,科学元勘应当面向决策实践,放弃单纯描述性的工作和消极解构,转向考察专识的认识论特征,及其内容、结构、类别和功能,以重新理解决策中专家和外行的划界,为筛选适当的专家和公众参与决策提供依据。批评者认为。这个理论框架误读和抛弃了科学知识社会学的基本结论,是科学主义的和还原论的,是向传统的专家治理结构的倒退。他们站在社会建构论和认识论多元主义的立场上,分别从对决策问题、专家和专识的社会建构、对合法性问题的理解等方面提出了激烈的批评。

关 键 词:科学元勘  公众参与  专识  合法性  科技决策  科学知识社会学

Review and Comment on the Debate About the Third Wave of Science Studies''''
XU Ling. Review and Comment on the Debate About the Third Wave of Science Studies''''[J]. Studies In Dialectics of Nature, 2006, 22(6): 46-51
Authors:XU Ling
Affiliation:Center for Social Studies of Science, Peking University, Beijing 100086,China
Abstract:This article analyze and comment on a debate around public participation in public sphere technical decision-making.Worrying about the so called extension problem brining about by the SSK's insist on every person's rights to participate in technical decision-making,Collins calls on a revisit to expertise in a more epistemological way,thus to facilitate the choice of proper participants and there expertise,no matter certified or experience-based,and to promote the efficiency of technical decision-making.Critics,who stand on relativist and social constructionist point,argue that his perspective is reductionist,essentialist,which makes he failed to penetrate the very contextual nature of expertise,problem framing,the shaping of public meaning,and public controversies.
Keywords:science studies   public participation   expertise   legitimacy   technical decision-making   sociology of scientific knowledge
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