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引用本文:宋苏,王普,陈双叶. 控制受限加权预报自校正系统的稳定性分析[J]. 系统工程与电子技术, 2002, 24(9): 66-69
作者姓名:宋苏  王普  陈双叶
基金项目:教育部骨干教师基金 (M0 2 0 3 0 0 0 2 ),北京市青年骨干教师基金资助课题 (62 0 0 2 0 112 0 0 2 0 1)
摘    要:针对控制幅值受限的、含稳定的未建模动态和有界干扰的对象 ,给出了一种鲁棒加权预报自校正控制算法。这种算法是在最小二乘型参数估计的基础上通过引入死区而得到的 ;通过引入一补偿函数f(t) ,并结合关键性技术引理便捷地对系统的鲁棒稳定性作了详细证明。结果表明 ,即使受控对象不稳定 (通常涉及控制幅值受限的控制系统稳定都需要对象稳定 ) ,所建立的系统也可以稳定。

关 键 词:控制受限  加权预报自校正控制  有界性  鲁棒性

Stability of Input Amplitude Constrained Weighted Prediction Self-Tuning Control System
SONG Su,WANG Pu,CHEN Shuang-ye. Stability of Input Amplitude Constrained Weighted Prediction Self-Tuning Control System[J]. System Engineering and Electronics, 2002, 24(9): 66-69
Authors:SONG Su  WANG Pu  CHEN Shuang-ye
Abstract:An algorithm for robust weighted prediction self-tuning control is proposed for the plant with control action constrained in this paper. This algorithm is obtained by introducing a dead zone into original least square estimation. The robust stability of the proposed algorithm is clearly proved by introducing the offset function f(t) . The result shows that the proposed algorithm can be BIBO stable even if the plant is unstable.;
Keywords:Restricted control action  Weighted prediction self-tuning control  Boundedness  Robustness
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