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引用本文:陈君,彭小奇,唐秀明,宋彦坡,刘征. 支持向量回归机预测误差校正方法[J]. 系统工程与电子技术, 2015, 37(8): 1832-1836. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-506X.2015.08.18
作者姓名:陈君  彭小奇  唐秀明  宋彦坡  刘征
作者单位:1.中南大学信息科学与工程学院, 湖南 长沙 410083;2.湖南第一师范学院信息科学与工程系, 湖南 长沙 410205;3.湖南科技大学信息与电气工程学院, 湖南 湘潭 411201
摘    要:针对传统的ε不敏感支持向量回归机(ε insensitive support vector regression, ε-SVR)未充分考虑局部支持向量对回归预测结果的影响,不利于提高回归预测精度的问题,提出了一种εSVR预测误差校正方法。该方法以期望预测值与εSVR回归预测值及局部支持向量间的欧氏距离和最小为目标函数,以ε不敏感损失带(εtube)宽度为约束条件,通过利用高维特征空间中εtube边界上和边界外的局部支持向量对εSVR的回归预测值进行误差校正。利用人工产生的不同分布数据集和UCI数据集进行的仿真结果表明,与传统的εSVR相比,该文方法具有更高的预测精度和更强的泛化能力。

关 键 词:支持向量回归机  误差校正  预测精度  泛化能力

Error correction method for support vector regression
CHEN Jun,PENG Xiao-qi,TANG Xiu-ming,SONG Yan-po,LIU Zheng. Error correction method for support vector regression[J]. System Engineering and Electronics, 2015, 37(8): 1832-1836. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-506X.2015.08.18
Authors:CHEN Jun  PENG Xiao-qi  TANG Xiu-ming  SONG Yan-po  LIU Zheng
Affiliation:1. School of Information Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China;;2. Department of Information Science and Engineering, Hunan First Normal University,;Changsha 410205, China;3. Institute of Information and Electrical Engineering,;Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, China
Abstract:The influence of the local support vector on the prediction results is not fully considered in the traditional ε insensitive support vector regression (ε-SVR), which is not conducive to improve the predictive accuracy of regression problems. An error correction method is proposed for ε-SVR, in which the minimum sum of Euclidean distances between ideal values and ε-SVR regression values and local support vectors are taken as the objective function, and the width of εinsensitive loss tube (εtube) is taken as constraint to correct the error in terms of local support vector on and out of the ε tube boundary in high dimensional feature space. Simulation using artificial datasets with different distributed and UCI benchmark data sets shows that the proposed method has higher prediction and generalization performance.
Keywords:support vector regression (SVR)  error correction  prediction accuracy  generalization
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