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引用本文:彭正生. 屠格涅夫和鲁迅知识分子小说比较论[J]. 湖州师专学报, 2011, 0(5): 25-28
摘    要:屠格涅夫和鲁迅是两位自觉"以小说参与历史发展"的小说家。屠格涅夫以知识分子题材的创作勾勒了19世纪40至60年代俄罗斯的"社会编年史",鲁迅则以几类知识分子形象的塑造深刻地反思了辛亥革命后的中国历史和民族命运。在艺术手法上,他们也存在着异同。

关 键 词:屠格涅夫  鲁迅  知识分子小说  比较

A Comparison Between the Novels by Turgenev and Lu Xun About Intellectuals
PENG Zheng-sheng. A Comparison Between the Novels by Turgenev and Lu Xun About Intellectuals[J]. , 2011, 0(5): 25-28
Authors:PENG Zheng-sheng
Affiliation:PENG Zheng-sheng(Department of Chinese Literature,Chaohu College,Chaohu 238000,China)
Abstract:Turgenev and Lu Xun are two conscientious novelists who participated in the historical development with their novels.Turgenev sketched the contours of Russia social annals of the 1940s to 1960s with the subject matter to create the images of intellectuals while Lu Xun deeply reviewed China's history and national destiny after the 1911 Revolution with several intellectual images.In the artistic technique,there exist similarities and differences in their novels.
Keywords:Turgenev  Lu Xun  novels about intellectuals  comparison
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