心理控制源、业余时间管理与学业拖延的关系研究 |
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作者单位: | ;1.河南科技学院职业技术教育与经济社会发展研究中心;2.中国人民解放军522医院 |
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摘 要: | ![]() 目的:探究大学生业余时间管理、心理控制源与学业拖延之间的关系.方法:采用随机抽样法,对河南省3所高校488名在校大学生进行测查.结果:1)主动拖延与心理控制源(有势力他人、机遇)、业余时间管理倾向(时间控御感、时间目的感、时间效能感)存在显著正相关,与时间混乱感呈显著负相关;2)被动拖延与心理控制源(机遇)、业余时间管理倾向(时间控御感)存在显著正相关.结论:时间混乱感、时间效能感和有势力他人能共同预测主动拖延;机遇和时间控御感能共同预测被动拖延.
关 键 词: | 学业拖延 主动拖延 被动拖延 业余时间管理 心理控制源 |
Relationship Between Academic Procrastination and Spare Time Management and Mental Control Source |
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Affiliation: | ,School of Educational Science in Henan Institute of Science and Technology |
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Abstract: | ![]() Objective:Investigating the overall status of college students' academic procrastination in Henan province and to explore the relations between college students' spare time management,mental control source and academic procrastination.Methods:Four scales were administered to 488college students from three cities in Henan with the method of stratified random sampling of survey.Results:1)There is significant positive correlation between active procrastination and mental control source(powerful people,the opportunities),the spare time management tendency(time royal sense,sense of purpose,time self-efficacy),and significant negative correlation with time confusion.2)There is significant positive correlation between the main passive procrastination and mental control source(opportunity),the spare time management disposition(time accused royal).Conclusion:Time chaotic feeling,self-efficacy and powerful individual can jointly predict active procrastination;Sense of opportunity and time control can predict passive delay together. |
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Keywords: | academic procrastination active procrastination passive procrasti-nation spare time management locus of psychological control |