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引用本文:覃朝辉,顾安忠. 液化天然气涡旋的模型研究[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 1999, 33(8): 954-958
作者姓名:覃朝辉  顾安忠
摘    要:介绍了液化天然气涡旋问题和Bates-Morison模型,并针对Bates-Morison模型没有考虑蒸发率对密度差的影响、不能解释涡旋发生前分界面加速下降这一事实等缺陷,提出了改进四阶段涡旋模型.该模型对涡旋发生的过程进行了更合理的划分,通过理论推导,解释了分界面加速下降等事实.计算结果证明,改进模型在初始密度差较小时更加符合实际情况

关 键 词:油气储存  液化天然气  涡旋  模型

Study on Modelling of Rollover in Liquefied Natural Gas
QIN Zhao-hui,GU An-zhong. Study on Modelling of Rollover in Liquefied Natural Gas[J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 1999, 33(8): 954-958
Authors:QIN Zhao-hui  GU An-zhong
Abstract:Rollover phenomenon in Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and its Bates Morrison model were considered. As the model takes no account of the consequences of boil off rate on density difference and can not interpret the acceleration of the interface's descending before rollover, the paper developed an advanced model which has 4 phases instead of 3 of the old one, and this phase dividing is more reasonable. The new model can interpret the acceleration of interface's descending easily. The results of calculation show a better accordance with experimental data under the situation of a relatively small initial density difference between the stratified layers in LNG.
Keywords:storage of oil and gas  liquefied natural gas (LNG)  rollover  model  
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