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引用本文:李双翼. 卢卡奇的早期实践观[J]. 鞍山科技大学学报, 2001, 24(5): 398-400
作者单位:鞍山钢铁学院人文社会科学系 辽宁鞍山114002
摘    要:卢卡奇在 2 0世纪 2 0年代初参加革命实验活动的过程中 ,从当时工人运动的实际出发 ,强调必须从无产阶段革命与无产阶级意识辩证统一的关系来理解实践 .他认为 ,实践的问题说到底也就是阶级意识问题 .无产阶级作为社会和历史演进过程中同一的主客体 ,只有具备了关于自己在社会中的地位 ,以及起来把握命运明确的自我的阶级意识 ,才有可能完成无产阶级的革命任务

关 键 词:实践  主体  客体  阶级意识

LUKACS'''' Early Opinion on the Practice
LI Shuang_yi. LUKACS'''' Early Opinion on the Practice[J]. Journal of Anshan University of Science and Technology, 2001, 24(5): 398-400
Authors:LI Shuang_yi
Abstract:Lukacs took part in revolutional activty in the early 1920's.He put stressed on understanding practice from the point of the dialectical unity between proletarian revolution and proletarian consciousness according to working movement in that time.He thought that in the final analysis,the practice was the proletarian consciousness.Proletarian,being identical unity of subjective and objective in the evolvement of the society and the history,couldn't fulfill its task untill it has its due position in society as well as clear proletarian consciousness to rise and grasp at its destiny.
Keywords:practice  subjective  objective  class consciousness  
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