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引用本文:陈剑,黄河. 解非线性两层规划问题的新的遗传算法及全局收敛性[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2005, 25(3): 13-19. DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(2005)3-13
作者姓名:陈剑  黄河
摘    要:在基于树型结构的逆向组合拍卖模型、及其中标者确定问题的研究基础上,针对该模型中投标者行为进行讨论.研究了对某投标组合具有确定投标值的投标者获胜概率,分析了影响获胜概率的因素,证明了投标者人数变化和投标者获胜概率相互关系的某些性质.通过对投标者行为的概率机理的探讨,在一定程度上揭示了逆向组合拍卖供应商之间复杂的竞争与合作关系.

关 键 词:逆向组合拍卖  投标策略  获胜概率   

Study on Bidder''''s Winning Probability in Procurement Combinatorial Auction
CHEN Jian,HUANG He. Study on Bidder''''s Winning Probability in Procurement Combinatorial Auction[J]. Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice, 2005, 25(3): 13-19. DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(2005)3-13
Authors:CHEN Jian  HUANG He
Affiliation:Research Center for Contemporary Management,Tsinghua Univ
Abstract:In this paper, we present the processes to determine Winning Probability for the corresponding bidder’s deterministic bid. The analysis of the winning probability is crucial for studying the bidding equilibria and designing the mechanism of procurement Combinatorial Auctions (CAs), and it also provides the decision making support for bidders who are in commercial synergies surrounding. Furthermore, we show some useful properties that depict the relationships between the number of bidders and bidders’ W...
Keywords:procurement combinatorial auction  bidding strategy  winning probability  
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