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引用本文:孔祥海. 龙岩城市景观绿化植物的调查与研究[J]. 龙岩学院学报, 1999, 0(3)
摘    要:城市景观的绿化、美化既是城市发展的必然趋势和城市现代化的标志,也是城市居民日益增长的物质和精神文化生活的要求。本文作者根据市委、市府制定的中心城市发展规划与建设的精神,深入本市东、南、西、中四个片区展开全面调查,摸清和掌握目前城市景观绿化植物的基本状况的基础上,提出与现代化中心城市发展相匹配的景观绿化植物规划与实施的建议,供城市规划与建设有关部门和人员参考。

关 键 词:城市景观  绿化  植物

The investigation and study of afforest plant of longyan city landscape
KONG Xiang-hai. The investigation and study of afforest plant of longyan city landscape[J]. Journal of Longyan Univercity, 1999, 0(3)
Authors:KONG Xiang-hai
Affiliation:KONG Xiang-hai
Abstract:The afforestation and beaatification of city landscape is not only mark of city modernization and tendency of city development ,but also is demend of the material and cultural civilization Life of city dwellers .The auther rely on central city development landscape architecture and overall investigation of afforest plant of city Landscape to date ,in order to put forword some rationalization proposals of landscape afforest architecture and enforcement,which is matching with the development of modernization central city,for reference of the deparment and staff concerned of city architecture and construction.
Keywords:City landscape  Afforest plant  Longyon
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