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Breeding and molecular cytogenetic identification of wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium addition lines resistant to powdery mildew
Authors:LIU Shubing  Wang Honggang
Abstract:Wheat-related species Th. intermedium was used to cross with common wheat Yannong 15. In the self progenies of the hybrid, two addition lines, Ⅱ-1-7-1 and Ⅱ-3-3-2, stable in cytology, were developed by cytology and powdery mildew resistance identification. Their chromosome number were 2n = 44 and formed 22 bivalents at PMC MI. In F1 of the two addition lines crossing with Yannong 15, there appeared about one univalent at PMC MI, respectively. Resistance identification in greenhouse and field using the No. 15 and mixed strains of E. gramnis f. sp. tritici showed that they were immune to powdery mildew. Chromosome number and resistance identification using the F2 single plants of the addition line crossing with Yannong 15 indicated that the resistant gene was located on the alien chromosomes. In situ hybridization using St and E genomic DNA as probe showed that the added chromosome in the two addition lines probably came from the E genome of Th. intermedium, which indicated that a pair of E genome chromosomes carried a new resistant gene to powdery mildew.
Keywords:wheat  powdery mildew  addition line  Th. intermedium  in situ hybridization
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