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引用本文:朱建华 沈蒲生. 罕遇地震作用下钢筋混凝土框筒结构耗能研究[J]. 科学技术与工程, 2006, 6(7): 833-836
作者姓名:朱建华 沈蒲生
摘    要:通过一钢筋土框筒结构实例,用振型分解法按等效单自由度体系求解其滞回输入能;用Pushover法分析了滞回耗能在层间的分布规律,与非线性动力时程分析需要选取地震波的不确定性相比,采用该法可以减少分析时间,同时获得较为稳定的分析结果.根据楼层滞回耗能与弹塑性层间位移的关系求出了各层的弹塑性位移,以此即可验算结构薄弱层在罕遇地震作用下的弹塑性变形;通过层间耗能分布及弹塑性层间位移的比较,体现了翼缘框架对整个结构的贡献.以上过程通过与非线性动力时程分析的对比,证明了方法的可行性.

关 键 词:钢筋混凝土框筒结构  Pushover分析  层间能量分布  弹塑性层间位移  非线性动力时程分析

Energy Dissipation Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Frame-tube Structure under Strong Earthquake
ZHU Jianhu,SHEN Pusheng. Energy Dissipation Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Frame-tube Structure under Strong Earthquake[J]. Science Technology and Engineering, 2006, 6(7): 833-836
Authors:ZHU Jianhu  SHEN Pusheng
Abstract:The seismic analysis of reinforced concrete frame-tube structure based on energy concept was performed. Equivalent single-degree-of-freedom(SDOF) system was used to estimate the hysteretic energy demand of the frame-tube structure in order to simplify the computational effort. Pushover analysis was used to get the distrbution of hysteretic energy in each story, comparison with nonlinear dynamic analysis found that this method can reduce the time of analysis as well as get more stable result. The relationship between hysteretic energy and inelastic story drift was used to get the inelastic story drift which can be used to check the inelastic deformation of weak story. Tcon he tribution of flange panel was shown according to the comparison of energy distribution among stories and the A inelastic story drifts. The result had been compared with nonlinear time-history dymanic analysis and the comparison was found to be good.
Keywords:reinforced concrete frame-tube structure Pushover analysis energy distribution among stories inelastic story drifts nonlinear time-history dynamic analysis
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