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引用本文:嵇英华,王建模. 介观含源RLC并联电路在压缩Fock态中的量子涨落[J]. 江西科学, 2002, 20(1): 1-3
作者姓名:嵇英华  王建模
基金项目:Fund’sProgramm :ItwasSupportedbytheNaturalScienceFoundationofJiangxiProvince (Code:0 0 1 0 0 4),China
摘    要:从RLC并联电路的经典运动方程出发,研究了介观含源RLC并联电路在压缩Fock态中磁通量和电荷的量子涨落。着重讨论了阻尼对量子涨落的影响。

关 键 词:介观RlC并联电路  量子化  量子涨落

Quantum Fluctuations in Mesoscopic Parallel RLC Circuit with Source in a Squeezed Fock State
Abstract. Quantum Fluctuations in Mesoscopic Parallel RLC Circuit with Source in a Squeezed Fock State[J]. Jiangxi Science, 2002, 20(1): 1-3
Abstract:Starting from the classical of motion for RLC parallel,we study the quantum fluctuations of the magnetic flux and charge of the circuit with external source in a squeezed Fock state.And we study especially the influence of damping on the quantum fluctuation.
Keywords:RLC parallel circuit  Squeezed Fock state  Quantum fluctuation
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