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引用本文:于哲夫,刘德良,贾传荧. 新特征选择方法在路面使用性能衰变研究中的应用[J]. 大连海事大学学报(自然科学版), 2010, 36(2)
作者姓名:于哲夫  刘德良  贾传荧
摘    要:

关 键 词:路面使用性能  衰变  特征选择  多项式空间  支持向量回归(SVR)

Application of new feature extraction method to the decay of pavement performance
YU Zhe-fua,LIU De-liangb,JIA Chuan-yinga. Application of new feature extraction method to the decay of pavement performance[J]. Journal of Dalian Maritime University, 2010, 36(2)
Authors:YU Zhe-fua  LIU De-liangb  JIA Chuan-yinga
Affiliation:YU Zhe-fua,LIU De-liangb,JIA Chuan-yinga(a.Navigation College,b.Transportation & Logistics Engineering College,Dalian Maritime University,Dalian 116026,China)
To obtain a simple non-linear regression function from small sample data,while finding out the factors and rules affecting pavement deflection,a feature extraction method based on polynomial space was used in pavement performance prediction study.Research result reveals that traffic flow and rainfall have a combined effects on pavement deflection,the greater is the traffic flow,the larger the pavement deflection value increases.The rainfall has obvious effect on pavement deflection.The deflection value in t...
Keywords:pavement performance  deflection  feature extraction  polynomial space  support vector regression(SVR)  
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