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引用本文:王向晖,刘小龙,蒋延生,汪文秉. 平面波激励的超宽带天线口径辐射特性研究[J]. 系统工程与电子技术, 2005, 27(3): 403-405
作者姓名:王向晖  刘小龙  蒋延生  汪文秉
作者单位:1. 西安交通大学微波研究所,陕西,西安,710049
2. 西安交通大学微波研究所,陕西,西安,710049;西北核技术研究所,陕西,西安,710024
摘    要:如何高效而又有较少拖尾的将信号辐射出去是超宽带天线的设计关键,利用FDTD方法研究了在平面波激励的情况下口径形状和激励脉冲的脉宽与辐射波形之间的关系,得出在不同口径形状的情况下口径辐射场不仅与口径形状有关还与所加激励源的极化方向有关,即口径窄边与激励源极化方向一致时,辐射场幅值最大。实验分析表明该方法的有效性。

关 键 词:超宽带天线  时域有限差分法  天线口径  高斯脉冲

Research on the radiated characteristic of UWB aperture in the condition of plane waves
WANG Xiang-hui,LIU Xiao-long,JIANG Yan-sheng,WANG Wen-bing. Research on the radiated characteristic of UWB aperture in the condition of plane waves[J]. System Engineering and Electronics, 2005, 27(3): 403-405
Authors:WANG Xiang-hui  LIU Xiao-long  JIANG Yan-sheng  WANG Wen-bing
Affiliation:WANG Xiang-hui~1,LIU Xiao-long~
Abstract:Ringing in the antenna, antenna bandwidth and the capability of radiating a undistorted pulse are important parameters for applications in the field of ultra-wideband antenna. The FDTD numerical method is used to describe the relation between the radiated waveform in E-plane and H-plane and the width of pulse under different size and shape of the aperture as a plane wave incident upon the aperture.
Keywords:ultra-wideband antenna  finite-difference time-domain  aperture  Gauss pulse
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