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引用本文:刘永,;姜雯翔,;袁晔,;彭常安,;韩永斌. 不同蓝莓品种酿造果酒适性的比较研究[J]. 南阳理工学院学报, 2014, 0(6): 99-105
作者姓名:刘永,  姜雯翔,  袁晔,  彭常安,  韩永斌
作者单位:[1]芜湖职业技术学院,安徽芜湖241006; [2]南京农业大学农业部农畜产品加工与质量控制重点开放试验室,江苏南京210095
摘    要:果酒品质与新鲜果品原料质量密切相关。本文分析了Tifblue、Premier、Brightwell、Garden blue、Powder Blue 5个蓝莓品种的营养组分及果酒发酵过程中酒精度、花色苷含量、总酚指数和颜色变化的差异,旨在寻找适宜于酿酒的蓝莓品种。结果表明:Garden blue中的碳水化合物、还原糖、可溶性蛋白含量均显著高于其他4个品种。不同蓝莓品种其酚类物质及花色苷含量差异显著,Garden blue花色苷和酚类物质含量分别是其他4个蓝莓品种的1.17~1.97倍和1.15~1.89倍。酒精发酵过程中果酒中总酚指数均显著上升,而花色苷含量均显著下降,其中Garden blue花色苷含量下降最少,且其酚类物质含量上升最多。经稀释3倍的蓝莓汁调味发酵,发酵结束后Garden blue总酚指数含量最高达79.9,是其他4个品种的1.30~2.08倍,花色苷含量为25.27 mg/L,比其他品种高出1.25~8.1倍。结论:综合蓝莓营养成分及发酵前后酚类物质含量等因素,发现Garden blue更适于酿造高品质蓝莓果酒。

关 键 词:蓝莓  果酒发酵  酿酒适性  酚类物质

Affiliation:LIU Yong ,JIANG Wen-xiang, YUAN Ye, PENG Chang-an, HAN Yong-bin (1. College of Wuhu Professional Technology, Wuhu 241006, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Food Processing and Quality Control, Ministry of Agriculture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China)
Abstract:Wine quality is closely dependent upon the quality of fresh fruit. In this work, the difference of nutritional components in the five blueberry varieties of Tifblue, Premier, BrightweU, Garden blue and Powder Blue were analyzed and the changes of alcohol, antho- cyanin content, total phenol index and color of the mashes from five blueberry varieties during the wine fermentation were appraised in order to find the best variety proper for wine making. Results showed that the contents of carbohydrates, reducing sugars, soluble pro- tein in the Garden blue were significantly higher than those in the other four varieties. The contents of phenolic compounds and anthocy- anin in the five blueberry varieties differed significantly. Anthocyanin content of Garden blue was 1.17 ~ 1.97 times those of the other four varieties, and phenols content was 1.15 to 1.89 times those of the other four varieties. In the process of the fermentation, the total phenol index was significantly increased, while the anthocyanin content decreased significantly. The anthocyanin content of Garden blue declined less and the content of phenolic compounds increased more than other four varieties. After 21 days fermentation, total phenol index of Garden blue wine was 79.9, and 1.30 to 2.28 times that of the four other varieties, The anthocyanin content of Garden blue wine was 25.27 mg/L, and 1.25 to 8.1 times that of the four other varieties. Considering the factors such as the nutritional compo- nents of blueberry and the content of phenolic compounds before and after fermentation, Garden blue was more suitable for brewing high quality blueberry wine.
Keywords:blueberries  blueberry wine  polyphenols  anthocyanin
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