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Characteristics of Contractual English and Its Translation Methods
Abstract:With the occurrence of economic globalization,the translation of contractual English has played an increasingly important role in China economy.However,as a subject of business English,it is rare to find the research of contractual English,furthermore,the general translation theory including business English is not suited for contractual English translation.It will have both theoretical meanings and practical meanings to analysize contractual English translation.After simple contrast between business English and contractual English,from the characteristic of contractual English,the author discussed in detail about his understanding and research of the standards and mode of contractual English translation.The translation criteria:"faithfulness","exactness"and"customariness"are suggested.In the translation mode,the linguistic analysis is used to translate the contract,namely,vocabulary and syntax.The paper is completed on the basis of the author’s knowledge on the linguistic theroy and understandings of contract and contractual English.
Keywords:translation method contractual English translation criterion linguistic analysis
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