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Investigation of the sliding friction behaviors of locust on slippery plates
Authors:LiXin Wang  Qiang Zhou  ShuYan Xu  HuLi Niu
Affiliation:Department of Mechatronic Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
Abstract:The slippery trapping plate in swarm locust control is a method of realizing resource utilization of lo-cust and avoiding pesticide residues in the entironment. Some slippery plates with different material composition or surface characteristic were investigated through the sliding tests of locust on slippery plates, and sliding rubbing behaviors of locusts on the plate were observed by means of CCD video monitoring system. Poor sliding character of silicate glass to locust was verified, which is in accor-dance with the adhesive effect generated by secretion of locust feet pads on the smooth surface. And also, PVC plastic plate presents a poor sliding character to locusts, because the soft surface of PVC can permit claws of locust feet to engender mechanical interlock on the surface. The zinc plate shows a considerable slippery ratio for locusts because of the appropriate surface characteristic and material property. Photoelectric stimulation for resting locust can promote the movement of locust. Accordingly, the contact form of locust feet and abdomen on slippery plates is changed and contact area is reduced severely, so the sliding effect of locust on slippery plates is strengthened effectively. These results supply a suitable theoretical foundation for manufacturing locust slippery trapping plates and trapping units, and indicate the important role of photoelectric stimulating factors in biotribology.
Keywords:locust  slippery plates  sliding behaviors  friction  photoelectric stimulation
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