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引用本文:任晓岳,陈长兴. 认知无线电传感器网络自适应接入控制策略[J]. 系统工程与电子技术, 2017, 39(9): 2100-2108. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-506X.2017.09.26
作者姓名:任晓岳  陈长兴
作者单位:(1.空军工程大学理学院, 陕西 西安 710051; 2. 中国人民解放军94136部队, 宁夏 银川 750025)
摘    要:针对当前认知无线传感器网络接入控制策略能量消耗过大及难以适应服务要求的问题,提出一种认知自适应接入控制策略。首先建立接入控制策略模型,利用代表节点降低感知能量消耗和报告开销。然后提出关于感知模型选择及工作周期调整的自适应方法来提高感知效率,深入分析其对系统吞吐量及帧递送率带来的影响。最后仿真结果表明,在达到相同检测目标情况下,提出的自适应接入控制策略所需通信开销较传统策略更少,有效降低了能量消耗,吞吐量较传统方法有了较大提高,在回避主用户情况下服务质量受到的损失更小。

Adaptive access control strategy of cognitive radio wireless sensor network
REN Xiaoyue,CHEN Changxing. Adaptive access control strategy of cognitive radio wireless sensor network[J]. System Engineering and Electronics, 2017, 39(9): 2100-2108. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-506X.2017.09.26
Authors:REN Xiaoyue  CHEN Changxing
Affiliation:(1. School of Science, Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710051, China;;2. Unit 94136 of the PLA, Yinchuan 750025, China)
Abstract:In view of high energy consumption and low quality of service existing in the access control process of the cognitive wireless sensor networks, a cognitive adaptive access control strategy is proposed. Firstly, the access control strategy model is established, and representative nodes are used to reduce the energy consumption and communication overhead. Secondly, a new adaptive method of sensing model selection and duty cycle adjustment is proposed to improve the sensing efficiency, and the influence on the system throughput and frame delivery rate are analyzed deeply. Finally, the simulation results show that the proposed access control strategy needs less communication overhead and has higher throughputs compared with the existing methods under the condition of achieving the same detection target, and the loss of the quality of service caused by avoiding the primary user is less.
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