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引用本文:王洋,周军. 基于无尖峰干扰观测器的滑模制导律[J]. 系统工程与电子技术, 2017, 39(12): 2750-2756. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-506X.2017.12.18
作者姓名:王洋  周军
作者单位:西北工业大学精确制导与控制研究所, 陕西 西安 710072
摘    要:为了提高对机动目标的拦截效果,提出了一种基于无尖峰干扰观测器的滑模制导律(peaking free disturbance observer based sliding mode guidance law, PDOB SMG)。 首先,设计一种无尖峰干扰观测器(peaking free disturbance observer, PDOB)来估计目标机动加速度,在保证估计精度的同时,PDOB能够消除传统干扰观测器的初始尖峰现象。其次,将PDOB所估计的目标机动加速度用来在线补偿,构造了PDOB SMG。由于PDOB消除了初始尖峰,因此设计的PDOB SMG可以有效解决现有基于干扰观测器的滑模制导律(disturbance observer based sliding mode guidance law, DO SMG)受干扰观测器初始尖峰影响动态性能恶化的问题。最后,将PDOB SMG与DO SMG进行仿真对比, 验证了PDOB SMG的有效性和优越性。

Peaking free disturbance observer based sliding mode guidance law
WANG Yang,ZHOU Jun. Peaking free disturbance observer based sliding mode guidance law[J]. System Engineering and Electronics, 2017, 39(12): 2750-2756. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-506X.2017.12.18
Authors:WANG Yang  ZHOU Jun
Affiliation:Institute of Precision Guidance and Control, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China
Abstract:A peaking free disturbance observer based sliding mode guidance law (PDOB SMG) is proposed for the homing missile in the presence of maneuvering targets. A peaking free disturbance observer (PDOB) is firstly proposed to estimate the unknown target acceleration, which preserves the estimation accuracy as well as eliminates the peaking phenomenon of the existing disturbance observer. Then a PDOB SMG is designed based on the estimated target acceleration of PDOB. For the existing disturbance observer based sliding mode guidance law (DO SMG), the guidance performance may be negatively affected by the initial peaking phenomenon. With the help of peaking free feature of PDOB, the problem caused by the initial peaking is solved by the proposed PDOB SMG. Finally, simulation comparison results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.
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