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引用本文:漆贵海,彭小芹,王玉麟. 碱磷渣加气混凝土的微观形貌及水化产物[J]. 湖南大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 41(2): 114-118
作者姓名:漆贵海  彭小芹  王玉麟
作者单位:(1.重庆大学 材料科学与工程学院,重庆400045;2.贵州中建建筑科研设计院有限公司,贵州 贵阳550006)
摘    要:实验以碱激发磷渣活性的方式制备免蒸压加气混凝土,研究测试了加气混凝土的孔隙率并对孔隙进行了微观形貌分析,运用XRD,SEM,DSC-TG和FTIR等测试方法分析了碱激发免蒸压磷渣加气混凝土的水化产物.分析结果表明:表观密度500~800kg/m3的加气混凝土孔隙率在66.79%~77.06%之间,孔隙呈椭圆形,大小比较均匀,相互联通的孔隙较少,孔径大小在0.5~1.5mm之间.碱磷渣加气混凝土的水化产物主要有水化硅酸钙凝胶、白钙沸石和水化硅铝酸钙,部分水化产物碳化生成了CaCO3.

关 键 词:加气混凝土;碱性;微观分析;孔隙尺寸;水化产物

Micro-morphology and Hydration Products of Alkali-activated Phosphorus Slag Aerated Concrete
Affiliation:(1.College of Material Science and Engineering, Chongqing Univ, Chongqing400045, China;2.Guizhou Construction Science Research and Design Institute Limited Company of CSCEC, Guiyang,Guizhou550006, China)
Abstract:Non-autoclave aerated concrete was prepared with phosphorous slag with alkali-activator. The porosity and micro-morphology of the aerated concrete pore were analyzed, and XRD, SEM, DSC-TG and FTIR analysis were used to investigate the microstructures and hydration products of non-autoclave aerated concrete. The porosity of the non-autoclave aerated concrete with a bulk density of 500~800 kg/m3 is 66.79%~77.06%. The pore is elliptical and sealed, and the size of most pores is about 0.5~1.5 mm. The major hydration products of the aerated concrete are calcium silicate hydrate gel, gyrolite and hydrated calcium alumino-silicate. The CaCO3 was formed by carbonization of the hydration products.
Keywords:aerated concrete   alkalinity   microanalysis   pore size   hydration products
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